Article originally posted on 2/26/2024 at CBS News Pittsburgh
By John Shumway
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — With the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police implementing a four-day workweek, could this be the start of a wave for that trend in the area?
KDKA’s John Shumway took that question to an expert.
Who wouldn’t like a three-day weekend guaranteed — and in the tug-of-war employment environment, employers might want to watch the police’s move closely.

The struggle to once again fill the post-pandemic offices in Downtown Pittsburgh is real with employees enjoying working from home, which makes the Pittsburgh Police’s example that much more intriguing for other businesses in the city.
“There should be a turning point or at least something to definitely consider depending upon your business needs and how you can implement,” said Zack Bombatch, an employment attorney.
Bombatch says that the police are following the lead of local healthcare workers.
“We have seen the 4×10 work week implemented for pharmacists and nurses and other professionals within that industry,” Bombatch said.
Employers don’t need to look far for evidence supporting the 4×10 approach.
“Over 60 companies in Europe implemented a four day work week, and virtually all of them had positive results and I think it was over 80% are going to stick with it full time,” Bombatch said.
What employers found was increased productive and morale and more work-life balance, which is at the core of the struggle to get workers back to their desks.
“So if we’re returning to in the office, This can be a real morale booster by saying you have to be in the office all the time, but now you get the three day weekend all the time as well.
The downside of employers is the logistical challenge.
“It’s a balance worth pursuing especially when we’ve got this ongoing talent war we’ve got issues with employee attraction, employee retention,” Bombatch said.
Bombatch says the key is productivity and morale advantages, which can outweigh any challenges.
When it comes to how you could get the conversation started, gather the productivity information from those already doing it and appeal to management, pointing out the fact that the World Economic Forum reports that as much as a 40% productivity increase on a four-day week among businesses that have implemented around the world.